Composter.jpgI had the very unpleasant experience recently of dumping excess lawn clippings directly into my garbage can. The can set out in the sun for a few days before I brought it into the garage. A few days later, WHOA! The can smelled like a skunk had stepped in dog doo-doo, rolled around in raw sewage, and then died in there. I was reminded once again, that lawn clippings should not go directly into the garbage can!

I have a composter and do a fair amount of composting. To which, I add lawn clippings when I have brown material to balance it out. The ratio is 1 part green: 20 parts brown.  I am often asked by people who don’t compost if the compost stinks. The answer is no. That sounds strange because of the waste product that goes into making good compost, but it’s true. If the proportions of green and brown material are right the compost won’t stink. When done “cooking,” the compost just smells like earthy dirt.

Nothing like putting clippings in the garbage can! My advice, compost your clippings so they don’t stink up your garbage!