During this time of the year with all the barbeques, fireworks, apple pies, and small-town parades that feature one lame local advertisement after another (did I just say that?), it’s easy to look over the reason for the wonderful holiday we’ve reduced to “The 4th of July,” or INDEPENDENCE DAY as I prefer to call it.
This is a great country. Not only have any of my grandparents and long-past relatives fought for the freedoms and liberty we have, but I’ve been blessed with the ability to be raised in this beautiful country—diverse and unique as it is.
From the very beginning, it’s been a country of promise and opportunity for many—and, from our founding, Lifetime Products has been a proud American manufacturer.
Like many before us, and during our beginnings, we started out in a family garage in Utah. As we’ve grown, we’ve seen the benefits of being a U.S.-based company. From the many people we’ve been able to employ, the boost that local manufacturing has on the economy, and more.
I think I can safely say that Lifetime, as a large family corporation, feels just as strongly about this country as I personally do. It’s been my pleasure to listen to Lifetime’s upper management as they’ve spoken about their responsibility to stay in this country, employ American citizens, and provide high-quality products for our customers.
Not to mention that fact that we make products the way they should me made—with strength and the ability to last for years. Because this is America! Because we love this country!
(cue dramatic, swelling, patriotic music)
No, I’m not going to start reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. But, we are proud of this country, and our small beginnings. Over 25 years ago we started off as a small business that employed 15 people, and we’re now a global company, employing over 1500 American citizens.
This is our home. And in the immortal words of Bob Dylan, we “ain’t goin’ nowhere.”