IMG_7013_edited_color_smaller.jpgLast year I wanted to come up with something original for a Mother’s Day gift.   I didn’t want to go with the traditional flowers, birdhouses, or candy.  Showing her how much she means to me and how much I appreciate everything she does is really important.    I racked my brain for days trying to come up with something creative, something different and something that could be enjoyed for more than just one day a year.  What would surprise her? What could I do that she wouldn’t expect?  Then it hit me!  A kayak!!  

When Mother’s Day arrived she was never more excited!  Instantly she began listing off all the places she could go and how jealous all her friends would be.  I think the thing she liked the most was that now we could go out kayaking together.  Not only did this give her a new activity, but it gave her a fun way to hang out with her daughter. 

 IMG_7131_smaller.jpgThis is a common story around the Lifetime Offices.  Our kayaks have given families (both our employees and the world) a brand new way to enjoy each others company.  It is fun, exciting, and can break the routine of movie nights, game nights and dinners.   Kayaking is more than just fun, it gets you outside and active.   So grab Mom and take her out for a Mother’s Day she won’t soon forget.  Take her on a paddle!!

Need to find the perfect kayak for Mom?  Check out our wide range of kayaks from solo to tandem.  We have all the equipment Mom and the entire family need to get started at an affordable price.  You won’t regret it!