I had the very unpleasant experience recently of dumping excess lawn clippings directly into my garbage can. The can set out in the sun for a few days before I brought it into the garage. A few days later, WHOA! The can smelled like a skunk had stepped in dog doo-doo, rolled around in raw sewage, and then died in there. I was reminded once again, that lawn clippings should not go directly into the garbage can! I have a composter and do a fair amount of composting. To which, I add lawn clippings when I have brown material to balance it out. The ratio is 1 part green: 20 parts brown. I am often asked by people who don’t compost if the compost stinks. The answer is no. That sounds strange because of the waste product that goes into making good compost, but it’s true. If the proportions of green and b...
With winter in full-swing, that does not mean you need to quit composting. Composting in the winter and cold temperatures is still possible with these helpful tips: Keep your composter in the sun as much as possible. This is probably the same place you have had it all summer, but with the angle of the sun changing as it does during the winter, you may need to take another look and adjust the placement of your Lifetime Composter. For winter composting, keeping your compost a little on the dry side may also help. This can be achieved by modifying your typical brown versus green ratios to a little more heavy on brown. Moisture in the compost mix is necessary but too much will freeze and slow down the helpful composting bacteria
For this post, I want to write about our new Lifetime 50-Gallon Composter. Loyal blog readers (if there are any of them out there) know that Lifetime offers a variety of composters. These composters make being green easy, help provide beautiful gardens, and potentially save the planet. Yep, composters are pretty much modern day superheroes. Well, maybe that is a little extreme, but they are pretty cool. Lifetime has been in the composter manufacturing business for about five years now. I remember when my boss came to me and said he wanted to develop a composter for mass market retail. I have to admit, I thought his brain might have started to compost. I didn't think mass market retail was ready for compost bins. After all, they were only for people who lived completely off the land in rural USA, right? Boy was I wrong... and my boss hasn't let me forget it. Li
Earth Day is the time to reflect on that popular mantra: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Lifetime composters are an ideal way to put this popular mantra into practice. So just in time for your Earth Day celebration, we are offering $20 off the regular price of any Lifetime Composter in the Lifetime Online Store. With a Lifetime Composter, you can reduce your yard clippings and vegetable waste from kitchen scraps by recycling those ingredients into a rich, nutritious fertilizer that you can reuse in your gardens. Making your own compost is the perfect way to cut back on landfill waste while directly giving back to the environment. Responsible stewa
With Spring just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about your garden. Here in Utah, it has felt like Spring all winter long. We have had a very mild winter. I fear, however, there is more snow to come which means the tulips and daffodils are in for a rude awaking. It’s a good time to start building up your compost reserves to feed those plants that will feed you this summer. Lifetime is still very much in the composter business and we have had tremendous success with our composters. I feel we have helped to make another step in "greening up" our planet with the vast amounts of Lifetime composters that are composting away in yards all over the world. I'm excited to share with you that because of the success of our composters, we have developed a new version based on feedback from our customers! As you may know, a key element to getti
A lot of our customers often start asking us the same questions about composting around this time of year. One of the most common concerns we hear is that their Lifetime Composter is leaking. Long story short, this is normal. But, to really give you insight into why this is normal, AND what you can do with the leaking liquid, I've asked our Geekstyle blogger Joe to give you the scoop. (For those of you who don't know, Joe the Web Guy is also known as Joe the Green Guy when he's not on the Lifetime clock - with his own website called PathToGreenerLiving.com where he gives tips for going green including how to use some o
Each year Las Vegas hosts the Annual National Hardware Show where thousands of manufacturers and retailer buyers gather to show off the latest and greatest “home after market” products, which means all the products sold for the home, after the home is built. I was able to attend the (66th Annual) show this year and it was amazing to see the variety of new and exciting products. It was an opportunity for Lifetime to flaunt our own innovations. We met with all of our major retailer accounts, to show and demonstrate our newest innovations. Focusing mainly on our Lawn & Garden products, we displayed our
Yesterday was a good day... I woke up bright eyed and bushy tailed, and set out to assemble a shed with Lifetime’s Prototype Shop Specialists (who I call Product Assembly Wizards) in the Little America Hotel grand ballroom. After a few hours of drilling, tightening bolts, and hauling through the kitchen—oddly enough, the best path to the loading dock — we had our own little corner with a Lifetime shed, composter, wheelbarrow, and
Who loves composting? We do! Remember how we introduced the Lifetime 80-Gallon Composter last spring? Well, with its success we have designed a smaller version and are excited to announce—the Lifetime 65-Gallon Composter! We have kept all the same great features but just made it a little smaller. The Lifetime 65-Gallon Composter is constructed of UV-protected high-density polyethylene (HDPE) panels and is black with a galvanized steel base. Its extra large, removable lid makes it easy to load lawn and garden trimmings and organic waste. The lid latches shut to help keep rodents out and compost in. The ingenious tumbler design turns on an axis to allow for easy and balanced rotation. The aerated in
Whew, the crazy holiday season is almost over. All the gifts are opened, all the relatives are gone, and now all the cleanup begins. Lots of presents, lots of food, and lots of decorations add up to …well, lots of trash. But, before you start chunking everything in the garbage can, a majority of your holiday trash can actually be saved to make one last great gift to give to... your Lifetime Compost Tumbler! Holidays provide lots of great compost material that often gets overlooked. Take a look at all of these items you probably have laying around your house now that Santa has come and gone that you can easily add to your Lifetime Composter.
If you're like me, the lights are up and the tree is decorated…but now I need to figure out what to put under the tree for everyone. Sure, Dad can always use a new shirt and Mom can ooh-and-aah over the latest kitchen gadget, but sometimes it's a nice surprise to get them something totally unexpected. So, in case you are still struggling to come up with an out-of-the-ordinary gift idea, I've pulled together a few unique items from Lifetime Products that are sure to make Santa's elves - and your family - smile. Kids Portable Tetherball Set