Memorial Day has past and summer’s had its unofficial start! As the weather heats up and the kids finish up the school year, we are all in need of a vacation. These days, taking that one big trip to Orlando or hopping on a cruise to the islands can put a big hurting on the old wallet. Many people are choosing smaller and more frequent vacations. And lets be honest, who doesn’t want more vacations? I know I do. Here at Lifetime, we wonder, why can’t every weekend be a vacation? Oh, but it can!! Having a few kayaks laying around for the family can make it easy, affordable and fun to stay closer to home this summer. You can head to your local lake one weekend and the next weekend do a river float.
Last year I wanted to come up with something original for a Mother’s Day gift. I didn’t want to go with the traditional flowers, birdhouses, or candy. Showing her how much she means to me and how much I appreciate everything she does is really important. I racked my brain for days trying to come up with something creative, something different and something that could be enjoyed for more than just one day a year. What would surprise her? What could I do that she wouldn’t expect? Then it hit me! A kayak!! When Mother’s Day arrived she was never more excited! Instantly she began listing off all the places she could go and how jealous all her friends would be. I think the thing she liked the most was that now we could go out kayaking together. No
Light Headed Beds are the latest and greatest addition to our Lifetime online store. These new Light Headed Beds are a delightful innovation that allows you to truly customize your child's bedroom decor. The headboard of this bed has been designed with a lighted LED panel inset that can be customized with HeadLightz graphic images. An extensive online gallery offers a variety of awesome HeadLightz graphics that will appeal to all ages. These picture graphics only take a second to switch out. You can easily change the theme and style of the bedroom as your child grows from toddler to teens. How cool is that? But it gets even better! Not only can the LED panel be customized with awesome graphics, it even comes with a remote control to
We all have so many events and things going on during the holidays, don’t we? I know for myself I have the annual White Elephant gift party or the always-entertaining Ugly Sweater Party, a Christmas Eve Party, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, and the list goes on. But it’s not just about the parties either. It’s the homemade decorations, the dinners, and everything else that goes on that fills up our time. So, in the spirit of the holidays and in an attempt to help give you ideas on how Lifetime can make this year a little easier, here are the top 5 ways you can use a Lifetime Folding Table during the holidays: 1- Extra Dinner Seating Room If you’re like me, you’ve got not just your family, but parents, grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews and the whole clan coming over for a
It started with nibbling on our favorite Halloween candy. Then came the turkey and pumpkin pie yesterday… next comes the homemade Christmas goodies… and it's all topped off with numerous holiday parties that have endless yummy temptations. Yes, we are in the midst of that dreaded season of holiday weight gain. We have all heard it time and time again... control your portions, eat healthy, and exercise regularly to keep those extra pounds from packing on. We can't help you with what you eat, but did you know that using some of your favorite Lifetime products is actually a great way to exercise and burn calories? That's right, between our Lifetime basketball hoops,
Over the years, we’ve told you about how our blow-molded products are made, and how our metals are powder-coated to protect them, but how does the whole process work, anyway? I certainly didn't know before I started working for Lifetime. But, here at the Freeport Center, all your products begin from scratch. When I was first hired, I had the chance to tour the entire facility. And it was probably one of the most amazing things I’ve ever seen. No kidding. Did you know that in our blow-molding facility, our High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) plastic starts
A few months ago I forewarned you of the top three things to know before assembling a Lifetime Basketball Hoop. Today, I'm going to share with you some of the specific hurdles I alluded to in that post that we crossed along the way when assembling our own Lifetime Basketball Hoop (model 90228). To be honest, I'm kind of embarrassed to share my story with you given some of the pretty major "oopsies" we had. After all, since I work for Lifetime, you'd think I'd know how to assemble the products. Not necessarily true. This was my first time assem
If there’s one thing we love at Lifetime, it’s food. Let’s be honest here … who doesn’t?! So earlier this summer, employees started growing their own gardens for fresh produce, including some right here at Lifetime! But the hard work put into growing veggies isn’t where all the fun is. It’s in the eating. So for two months, we've been hosting our very own Farmers Market. Every Tuesday from August till September 25, Lifetime employees have been exchanging produce with each other during our Harvest Exchange. We’ve seen gorgeous peppers, corn, tomatoes, lettuce, kale, and just about anything else you can imagine. The best part about this, is all the
I hope all of you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. From neighborhood barbeques to lazy days on the lake and everything in between, it seems most people find some way to celebrate the holiday by squeezing in one last hoorah of outdoor fun before summer and warm temperatures come to an end. Me? Well, we are still enjoying exploring all the wonders and activities of our new home state of Colorado. So, we started our Labor Day by attending our little community parade which honored our local firefighters for all of their heroic efforts and endless hours of protecting the Colorado Springs area during this summer's historic and tragic Waldo Canyon fire. THANK YOU
Every summer, my church plans some sort of camping/boating outing for many reasons but mostly to have fun and enjoy each other’s company. This year was no different. We ended up on the hills of Heber City at Heber Valley Camp. Knowing I worked for Lifetime, I had several requests to bring kayaks for our day at the lake. So, I checked out the trailer with 12
It is quite common in the wild world of outdoor sports, for companies to sponsor up-and-coming paddlers. Lifetime has just taken on the sponsorship challenge. As you may have read in my earlier blog about our Lifetime Hooligan Youth Stand-up Paddleboard, we found a Utah local who is sure to make a splash in the paddleboard world. We would like to introduce you to our super kid, Mac!! He is only 10 years old but is quickly becoming a master of Stand-up Paddleboarding! Mac’s dad, Gary, is a long-time surfer and ha