Tips and Solutions Detail
What is Paddleboarding?
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Paddleboarding is the latest sport to hit the water. No loud motor, expensive fuel, or cumbersome equipment required. In paddleboarding, the rider remains standing while paddling to maneuver the board. A paddleboard is wider than a surfboard so it provides more stability, which makes it easy to learn.
For beginners, it's recommended that you get used to balancing yourself on the paddleboard in flat water before you head for the ocean waves. To mount your paddleboard, take a position next to the board in the water and pull yourself onto the board by holding onto the edge. Assume a kneeling position just behind the center point of the board, keeping your hands on either side of the board to stabilize it. Once the paddleboard feels steady beneath you, carefully stand up one foot at a time. Place your feet where your knees were. It's helpful to have a friend steady the board while you're getting the hang of this. Keep feet pointed forward and hip-width apart, centered between the edges of the board. Knees should be slightly bent. As a helpful hint, it's easier to keep your balance if you avoid the temptation to stare at your feet!
Now that you're up and ready, let's focus on the paddle. Your right hand should be lower on the paddle shaft and your left hand should be on the top of the grip. Insert the paddle into the water toward the front of the paddleboard, pushing it below the surface, and then pull it back toward your ankle and out of the water. You will need to switch the paddle from one side of the paddleboard to the other to keep moving in a reasonably straight line. Remember to reverse your hand position each time you switch sides. As you increase your momentum in the water, your stability will increase as well—just like riding a bike. To turn your paddleboard, simply paddle on the opposite side from the direction you want to go. So if you want to turn right, paddle on the left. If you want to turn left, paddle on the right.
Tip: If you fall off, get your board first, and then paddle it with your hands to retrieve the paddle.