Tips and Solutions Detail
Spring Yard Cleaning
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After the cold gray months of winter, you’re probably anxious to get out and do some yard work when the warm spring weather finally rolls around! With the sun on your face and the bright green grass under your feet, the spring temperatures are perfect for getting a jump start on your yard work.
At Lifetime we have the equipment you need to get the job done: wheelbarrows, yard carts, composters, and utility trailers. It’s time to rake up all the dead leaves out of the flowerbeds and collect the debris the winter winds have blown into every nook and cranny. Gusty gales may have also scattered limbs and twigs around your yard—but no problem! Spring Fever has your adrenaline pumping and you’re ready to tackle it all!
Checklist of Equipment and Supplies
- A Lifetime wheelbarrow or YardCart
- A Lifetime composter
- A Lifetime utility trailer
- A large lawn & leaf garbage bag or two
- A rake
- A thick pair of work gloves
Utilize Your Resources
If you don’t have a composter, check with your city office to see if they provide a limb shredding service if you haul your limbs to their facility. You may also be able to rent mulching machines from an equipment rental company if you would rather do the mulching on site. You can then use the shredded bark in your composter or spread it around flowerbeds and newly planted trees to keep in the moisture.
When it comes to lawn care and gardening there are lots of free resources you can turn to like your local library and online web sites, but one good source of information that you may not be aware of is your own county extension offices. Your county extension offices will be happy to mail you some helpful brochures about gardening and lawn care that are specific to your area, like:
- When should I apply fertilizer to my lawn?
- When should I plant my vegetable garden?
- What kinds of trees and flowers do well in this area?
Get to Work
With the right equipment from Lifetime, the education you’ve gleaned from information resources, and the inspiration of a beautiful spring day, you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and get to work! Before you know it, you will be sipping ice tea on the porch rocker, enjoying the satisfaction of a job well done. While you’re taking in the view, you may envision a new flowerbed here or a flowering shrub over there. Now that the cleaning is done, you can add your artistic touches with some spring potting or planting. Oh, the possibilities!