Tips and Solutions Detail
Eye-Catching Craft Show Displays
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‘Tis the season to pull out your craft materials and start hauling your goods to local craft shows and bazaars. If you’re displaying at your local indoor church bazaar for just a few hours, set up might be a little less elaborate than an all-weekend, outdoor city craft show. However, either way, we’ve pulled together some tips and hints to help your booth sizzle with success!
- Lifetime display tables
- Lifetime folding chairs
- Craft Show Caddy
- Cash box
- Change
- Receipt book
- Calculator
- Several pens
- Order forms
- Clipboard
- Lined paper pads for writing orders, names, phone numbers
- Tax certificate (if applicable)
- Tax tables
- Business cards
- Catalogs
- Large sign with name and/or logo, with hanging wire or easel
- Safety pins (for anything)
- Large white sheet/material for sun protection pinned to tent back wall or sidewall (if needed)
- Racks, shelves, mannequins, boxes, etc. used to hold/display your crafts for sale
- Display signs with item categories and prices
- Extra price tags
- Extra material and tools used to make your products
- Bags for items sold
- A basic toolbox including a stapler, scissors, duct tape, and a utility knife.
- Paper towels
- Moist wipes
- Tissues
- Small broom/dust pan
- Garbage bags
- Sunglasses, sunscreen, lip balm (if outdoors)
- Cash for lunch if you can buy it at the show, otherwise pack a lunch
- Flashlight
- 3”x5” index cards for emergency sign replacement
- Small first aid kit with bandages, aspirin etc.
- Place last list item here.
Small, Indoor Bazaars
- Often times, space is limited. A Lifetime 6-Foot Fold-in-Half Table will provide ample display space for small crafts and will use minimal space in your vehicle.
- Depending on the size of your crafts and if there is adequate space, try adding extra dimension to your display by stair-stepping Lifetime Adjustable Height Tables. Use a Lifetime 6-Foot Adjustable table at its highest level, then place a Lifetime 4-Foot Adjustable table in front of it set at the middle level.
- Take a Lifetime Personal Table along to set beside you to keep your cash box and paperwork within arm’s reach, but away from the customers.
- Remember to take a Lifetime chair to use for seating when you need a rest at your display.
Large Outdoor Craft Shows with Individual Tent Space
- Place six Lifetime 6-Foot Tables in a square - two tables on the sides and one table on each end. You will stand in the middle and your customers will walk around the outside. Place a Lifetime Personal Table in the middle with you to hold your cashbox and paperwork.
- Use six Lifetime 5-Foot Tables and place them in a U-Shape - two tables on each side. This allows room for your customers to easily browse under the protection of the tent.
- Use six Lifetime 5-Foot tables and align them in three separate rows (two tables per row) so customers can walk “up and down the aisles”. Place a Lifetime 4-foot table at the back of the tent as a “checkout” counter.
- Remember to take a Lifetime chair to use for seating when you need a rest at your display.
Large Outdoor Craft Shows with Individual Tent Space
- Looks Matter! Think of creating your craft show display as if it was your own mini-store. Your display should be attractive, neat, organized, and creative to get your customer’s attention and interest.
- Themes and props. Themed displays are a great way to tie your entire display together. If your craft involves sewing, set up an old sewing machine. If you make a seasonal craft, use seasonal props and colors.
- Colors. Keep in mind the mood the color of your table cover can create and how it will make your craft pop. Blue, green and white tend to be comforting colors. White and black tablecloths are best for showcasing shiny jewelry. If you have a seasonal craft, use those prominent colors (such as red and green for Christmas, orange and black for Halloween, pastels for Easter) to set the tone and remind people of the upcoming holiday.
- Eye level. Display your crafts at different elevations to make your display more interesting. Get creative and look for fun items around the house! Covered boxes, wooden crates, shelves, flowerpots, etc. can be used to place your crafts at different levels. Keep in mind, items at eye level will be seen first.
- Explain your craft. Don’t always assume everyone will know how to use your craft. Try to display your craft in use. If it’s a holiday ornament, set up a miniature tree to display your ornaments. If you make baby booties, put them in a cradle. Be creative, and don’t forget to wear your craft if you make something wearable like jewelry or clothes!
- Different perspective. After you set up your display, always remember to take a step back and look at the display from your customers’ point of view. What will they see as the focus of your display? Is there anything they won’t be able to see and might miss?
- Price tags. No matter how many signs you may have stating the price of your items, people will still ignore them. To save yourself being asked over and over, or possible missed sales because people don’t want to ask, be sure to have price tags on each individual item. For quick and easy price tags, customize and download our free “Handmade by” price tags!
- Make your craft. If time (and your craft) permits, actually work on a craft at the show. This will draw attention as people watch how you actually make your goods.
- Put all your checklist items into a Craft Show Caddy. If you plan to sell your crafts at shows frequently, save yourself some time and put together a Craft Show Caddy. Purchase a large plastic container with lid and fill it all of your non-inventory craft show essentials. Also purchase several smaller plastic containers to easily organize similar items – one for a cash box (preferably a non-clear box so people can’t see how much money is in it), one to use as a tool box, and one for miscellaneous small items.
- Designate a place in your garage or basement to keep the Craft Show Caddy, along with the tables, chairs, tents, dolly, etc. so that everything is in one spot and easy for you to quickly load. After each show, be sure to restock any items you may need to make sure you’re always ready to go. Print the caddy checklist above, and tape it to the inside of the lid. That way, if you run out of something, you can easily double-check what’s missing!
- After you set up your display at each show, take a photo of your display so you can easily remember how it was arranged to quickly replicate it again next time! It’s also a great way to evaluate what you like, don’t like, and need to improve.
- Sell yourself! Have a professional sign saying who you are, where you are from and what you make! Create a shirt with your logo for extra marketing. In addition, have a stack of business cards and catalogs prominently displayed so people can share your information with interested friends.
- Acknowledge browsers. Allow your customers to browse at their own leisure and don’t hound them. However, if you see a customer showing particular interest in a certain item, approach her in a helpful tone with “I’ll be happy to answer any questions you may have about my items.”
- Make it obvious. Customers don’t like to ask if they don’t have to. Have plenty of signs stating the prices of your items and make sure everything is individually priced.
- Credit Cards. If you accept credit cards, post signs saying so. This may help boost your sales as many people don’t expect crafters to accept plastic!